Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Oh How I Love Avon!

One of the many beauty guilty pleasures in my life, one of them, is that of an Avon Catalogue.
Brochure 11 of this year may have been the best brochure I have looked in- BARGAINS GALORE!// I ended up buying 5 items for only £13.00!
Let’s just get straight into them...
The first two things are the ‘Glossy Delight Lip Juices’ which were only £2.00 each in the sale brochure, so I bought two J
The first one I picked out was ‘Succulent Peach’... I mainly bought this one for the smell, as my Aussie hair care products smell like peach and they are amazing! The colour of this in the tube is a pretty coral-y pink with barely any shimmer, so great for just a wash of colour over the lips.

The second shade I got is ‘Delicious Honeydew’ and let me tell you, it really is delicious! (By the way... they don’t taste good- they just smell good). // Firstly the colour of this is gorgeous! It’s a pearly pink with tons of pink and gold shimmer and gives such a pretty sheer sparkle to the lips. // Secondly: The smell... it’s divine! It’s a gorgeous Honeydew melon scent (obviously) which reminds me of these whistle pops i used to get when I was younger J

The last lip product I bought was a ‘Glazewear Clear Lipgloss’ with SPF15. Just a summer essential really.

Lastly I bought two nail colours- both coral.
The first is ‘Coral Beat’, a BRIGHT orange/coral colour that would look great on any skin tone but amazing on darker or tan skin. I’ll post a swatch on the nails when I have it on, but this is it in the bottle:

The final thing I bought was ‘Coral Reef’ and it’s an absolutely gorgeous shade of coral! I would describe it to be a neon pink/coral and again would look lovely on any skin tone but would pop on those with darker or tan skin

   P.S. My next post will probably come this weekend J
Also my St. Moritz tanning mousse is on the way so expect a review!
FINALLY! I ordered my ‘Scruffy Little Cat’ bag today! Beyond excited! AAAAAH (Fan Girl Scream)

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